
Breaking News: Newcomb Starts New Podcast

Published: Tue, 06/18/24

Updated: Tue, 06/18/24

If there is a more overused term in modern pop culture than "Breaking News", I'd like to know what it is. It seems that Donald Trump stubbing his toe…

How to master auditions

Published: Sun, 06/16/24

Updated: Sun, 06/16/24

On the most recent episode of the Brass Mastery podcast, we tackle a topic that sends chills down the spines of even the most seasoned professional…

It's been awhile

Published: Sat, 06/08/24

Hello, dear email peeps. I know it's been quite awhile since I've written you. These last few months have been rather busy for me, although you…

How can I help?

Published: Wed, 03/20/24

Hello, I know it’s been awhile since you’ve heard from me. As a client once told me, “I have not been avoiding you on purpose.” We’ve just been rather…

One strike and you're out

Published: Thu, 02/29/24

Years ago I interviewed the principal trumpet player for one of America's top symphony orchestras. My goal was to pick his brain about the nuances of…

Don't email without permission

Published: Wed, 02/28/24

This past week, I setup a meeting with a prospective client who is interested in starting a podcast. She and I have gotten along famously, and truth…

If I get THIS for free...

Published: Tue, 02/27/24

It seems like everything has to be FREE these days. In my chosen profession of digital media, it's essential to have something of actual value that is…

Success v. Failure

Published: Mon, 02/26/24

Success and failure can be a bit deceiving when viewed on the surface, can't it? Let's take the illustration of the iceberg, of which you see only a…

Why are you here?

Published: Fri, 02/16/24

When I was in the army, I would sometimes be asked to relay a message, or take a packet of papers to some office away from the cozy confines of the…

Receiving credit AND criticism when it's due

Published: Thu, 02/15/24

Sometimes the biggest credit to our character is the ability to receive criticism and make wise decisions in light of it. We're more than willing to…

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