
Podcasting is second-tier? Suits me just fine

Published: Thu, 09/05/24

Updated: Thu, 09/05/24

There's been much debate as to the place podcasting has in the media landscape. Its power cannot be denied, as it's a multi-billion dollar industry,…

Real-life focal dystonia success story

Published: Wed, 09/04/24

Updated: Wed, 09/04/24

A brand new episode of the Brass Mastery podcast just dropped this morning. It features the great Greg Spence of Mystery to Mastery, and one of his…

The Major League record

Published: Thu, 08/22/24

Updated: Thu, 08/22/24

I'm a fairly avid sports fan considering my age. I don't know all of the players, but I know a few of them. And even in middle age, I still enjoy…

Badminton saved the Olympics

Published: Wed, 08/14/24

The Olympics have come and gone, and aside from a few clips I watched on YouTube, I more or less missed it. I certainly didn't make any effort to…

Beyond the Shark Tank

Published: Mon, 08/12/24

(New Podcast) In today's edition of the Ba Vojdaan! podcast, I welcome John Foster, founder of Middle School MBA to the show. Middle School MBA is an…

A Tale of Two Bitcoin

Published: Wed, 08/07/24

Years ago, I bought into Bitcoin. This is probably the 2013-14, long before people were really "buying into" Bitcoin. It was more or less an unknown…

It was my goal to send this email

Published: Tue, 08/06/24

Everything of value I've ever achieved in my life has been because I made it a goal to do e actly what I achieved. Playing trumpet at a professional…

I pulled a reverse Aunt Jemima

Published: Mon, 08/05/24

I’ve announced several times on this newsletter that I recently launched a new podcast titled Newcomb, With Love. While my head and heart were in the…

Keeping your head up is hard work!

Published: Fri, 08/02/24

You know that old adage about how smiling requires the use of over 100 muscles, while frowning uses only 25? Those may not be the e act numbers, but…

What's in a name?

Published: Thu, 08/01/24

The following is an e cerpt from a book on podcasting I'm currently writing. Details re: its release are forthcoming. One of the most important…

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