
Are you really listening?

Published: Mon, 02/12/24

One of the things I like to do with my podcasts is make reference to having “three listeners”. It’s kind of fun to say, even though I know that there…

"Freedom" ain't no passing phrase

Published: Fri, 02/09/24

I published a brand new episode of the Energeia.LIVE podcast this morning, and it talks about FREEEDDDOOOOOMMMMMMM! My guest is Laura Davidson, author…

Two new podcasts on Energeia!

Published: Mon, 02/05/24

Good morning, and happy Monday to you. If Monday isn't happy for you, then maybe you have the wrong job. Just a thought ;) At any rate, I just…

An expensive hobby

Published: Fri, 02/02/24

It seemed like a good idea at the time...Sadly that is the mantra of way too many would be podcasters in my near decade of e perience in this craft. I…

Come join us

Published: Tue, 01/30/24

Good morning. I know this is very last minute, but I had a last minute cancellation for a podcast I was going to record this morning. So rather than…

How podcasts make money

Published: Mon, 01/29/24

Whenever I tell people what I do, namely podcasting, one of the first questions that invariably comes up is… How do you make money with podcasts? Do…

Why PARENTS need to take a timeout

Published: Sat, 01/27/24

We welcome back to the program Judy Arnall, who we heard a few days ago talking on the topic of unschooling, a radical departure from the so-called…

[Podcast] What is "unschooling"?

Published: Fri, 01/26/24

Ever look back on your school days and wonder if there was a way it could have been done better? I sure do. I was a chronic underachiever in school…

Rest to get ahead

Published: Wed, 01/24/24

I just read an interesting email from an online marketer I subscribe to. He was talking about the illusion of constantly working on one's business, or…

A need

Published: Tue, 01/23/24

Good morning my friends. I can't recall ever using this email list to straight ask up for money. I always try to make things interesting,…

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