
[Podcast] Salvation 101

Published: Fri, 01/19/24

I'm honored to welcome to the show my first cousin, Haans Erlandson! Haans and I spent a lot of time together growing up. Our families were very close…

Root for Team JNS!

Published: Thu, 01/18/24

Have you ever watched a postgame interview where an NFL team got completely hosed by a late penalty, or non-penalty, that cost them the game? There's…

Fresh out of remorse at this bakery

Published: Fri, 01/12/24

When Sana and I lived in Vietnam, we lived in a community called "EcoPark." Beautiful place, and we both loved it. The apartment building we lived in…

Success v. Failure

Published: Mon, 01/08/24

What if all this time what we thought of as "success" is really a massive failure? What if each failure contributed to overall success? Success and…

There's no school like the old school

Published: Sat, 01/06/24

One of my favorite resources for learning interviewing skills is the old late-night talk shows, hosted by the likes of Johnny Carson, David Letterman…

I already blew my new years resolution

Published: Thu, 01/04/24

I made a new years resolution to send an email to my list every single day of 2024. I make the same new years resolution every single year. And fall…

We've got the perfect life

Published: Tue, 01/02/24

One of my all-time favorite musical albums is Steven Wilson's Hand. Cannot. Erase. Wilson's music is what you would call "progressive rock", which…

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