
Imma gonna push you out of that nest

Published: Mon, 06/26/23

A recent conversation with a new podcast production client led me to this video showing a mother and father eagle teaching its baby how to fly. EAGLE…

Who wants a wannabe?

Published: Fri, 06/23/23

Awhile back I featured the great John Lee Dumas on the This Is What We C.R.A.V.E. podcast. Among the things we discussed was how John's massive…

Why parents should take a time out

Published: Wed, 06/21/23

A few weeks ago, I published an interview with Judy Arnall on the topic of unschooling (listen here) which is a radical departure from the so-called…

Who's more wrong?

Published: Mon, 06/19/23

Who do you get mad at when you realize you've believed something that is either blatantly false or you've been misled in some way? Do you get angry at…

My own Covid horror stories

Published: Thu, 06/15/23

My friend Tom Woods is publishing a book containing stories shared by his followers about their e periences living through the Covid lockdowns and…

The case AGAINST working for free

Published: Tue, 06/13/23

Dear friend: In yesterday's email, I gave a few e amples of how "working for free" is a good thing; and today I want to talk about why it's not such a…

The case FOR working for free

Published: Mon, 06/12/23

For as long as I can remember, I've heard people railing against the idea of "working for free." My e perience with this has mostly been with…

Just do something

Published: Sun, 06/11/23

I came across this story on social media this morning about the great Jackie Robinson, the man who broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball in…

The Unschool

Published: Thu, 06/08/23

Ever look back on your school days and wonder if there was a way it could have been done better? I sure do. I was a chronic underachiever in school…

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