
Some stops are more complete than others

Published: Sat, 07/08/23

Attention Virginia Beach residents: Stay off the sidewalks. Sana is now an officially licensed driver in the United States!Yes, Sana took her driver’s…

Get comfortable with the uncomfortable

Published: Thu, 07/06/23

In a podcast I was editing this week, the guest made a statement that really stood out to me. While I don’t recall the e act wording, it was something…

[Podcast] War Is a Racket

Published: Wed, 07/05/23

If only we had listened to George W.No, not the most recent iteration of George W. I mean his predecessor and widely regarded as the Father of the…

July 4...by a technicality

Published: Tue, 07/04/23

Happy 4th of July! May your celebrations be robust and vibrant, always mindful of the sacrifices made by the fathers of this nation which allow us to…

How to train your flea

Published: Mon, 07/03/23

Today’s story is a tip of the cap to my good friend and longtime Podcast Artistry™ client, Jennifer Hill who often tells the story of how to “train” a…

Everything is a job interview

Published: Sat, 07/01/23

This past week, an associate of mine posted on Facebook that a friend of hers was looking to get some work in the podcasting business, specifically as…


Published: Fri, 06/30/23

Let me tell you a story:A young and very gifted writer was in a quandary. She had won awards in her school, and had even been published in a few…

Just call me "Mr. Kama Aina"

Published: Thu, 06/29/23

Years and years ago, I lived in Kailua, Hawaii. Kailua is one of the most beautiful places in the entire chain of Hawaiian islands, which by…

The Mazda of your dreams

Published: Wed, 06/28/23

The other day I was driving along here in Virginia Beach and a sign outside a Mazda dealership caught my eye. It said to visit such and such website…

The race for relevance

Published: Tue, 06/27/23

Those of you who follow this newsletter know that I'm a spiritual man. In fact, the emails that have an overtly religious theme in the subject line…

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