
Meet the Mayor of Flat Earthville

Published: Mon, 06/05/23

A couple weeks ago I wrote about a documentary we watched about the Flat Earth movement, and how the common belief in a single idea, as wrong as it…

What's your podcast about?

Published: Sun, 06/04/23

When I began the This Is What We C.R.A.V.E. podcast in January 2023, people would often ask me, "What's your podcast about?" It's a completely honest…

Playing Hardball in a world of softballs

Published: Tue, 05/30/23

Years ago, MSNBC had a show called Hardball hosted by Chris Matthews. Matthews had this reputation for being this red-in-the-face, no-nonsense type of…

Flat Earther Life Lessons

Published: Sun, 05/28/23

Sana and I just watched a video on Tubi about people who believe the Earth is flat. Pretty devoted people, and I to some degree admire their tenacity…

Trickle and flow

Published: Thu, 05/25/23

Every now and then, we hear news about a lake or water reservoir somewhere being "dangerously close" to drying up. So many millions of people who rely…

Good things happen when...

Published: Mon, 05/22/23

The other day I was working on a blog post with the title, “Good things happen when…” The idea was to list several things that are good things in my…

This podcast is not particularly religious

Published: Wed, 05/17/23

Announcing a brand new episode of the This is What We C.R.A.V.E. podcast, which published this morningWhat is the difference between the Church as…

Can you help?

Published: Tue, 05/16/23

Dear subscribers,I always appreciate it when people open my emails and read what I have to say on any given day. It means a lot that others take an…

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