
How did you hear of me?

Published: Fri, 05/12/23

View in browser Chalk this up to the ever-growing list of reasons to have a podcast if you’re any type of personal branded business, or if your…

A very non-newclear podcast published today

Published: Wed, 05/10/23

View in browser Today I released one of the longest and most comple podcast episodes that I have personally been involved with. Perhaps compared to…

Why we don't "go Dutch" at restaurants

Published: Tue, 05/09/23

I was able to persuade my wife Sana to sit in on a recording session of the This is What We C.R.A.V.E. podcast today. I learned all sorts of things…

What does the CRAVE acronym mean?

Published: Fri, 05/05/23

One of the perks of having a podcast is every now and then someone else who has a podcast will want to interview you for their show. That happened to…

"The Market" doesn't need me

Published: Sat, 04/29/23

Something that I often ask people that are guests on my podcast is a question along the lines of, "What need in the market did you see that motivated…

How free are you, really?

Published: Thu, 04/27/23

I love my job. I get to talk to incredibly smart and accomplished people like my guest in the latest episode of the This Is What We C.R.A.V.E.

Big trouble at the Wonker Weiner Company

Published: Wed, 04/26/23

In today's lesson in eternal philosophy from The Far Side, things are not all well at the Wonker Weiner Company. The Bossman has concluded his…

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