
Singers in the hands of an angry mob

Published: Tue, 02/07/23

A couple of years ago, I heard about the plight of Daniel Elder, a composer of sacred music who was blacklisted by his peers, not to mention the…

You need the minors to excel in the majors

Published: Mon, 02/06/23

Back when I edited Ben Greenfield's podcast, I would occasionally get approached by people who want themselves or someone they know to be on Ben's…

We're not in college anymore, Toto

Published: Sun, 02/05/23

These emails can be pretty difficult to write. Not necessarily the actual action of writing. I mean, we're talking 300 words ma . That's how long my…

1 in 8 billion

Published: Wed, 02/01/23

A common objection to getting into podcasting is "there's just so many of them, so why bother getting into it myself?" I've heard that before I got…

Proof that musicianship is intensely personal

Published: Tue, 01/31/23

Good morning. I just released a new episode of the Trumpet Dynamics podcast yesterday. Actually, it's a very old interview that was repurposed into a…

What hill are you willing to die on?

Published: Wed, 01/25/23

**This is an e cerpt from a book project I have in the works that bears the name of my production business, Podcast Artistry. I also recorded a…

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