
The liver and onions truck is coming!

Published: Fri, 04/07/23

One of the two remaining benefits of having a Facebook account (Messenger being the other) is being able to laugh hysterically at old Far Side…

Dogma breeds sterility

Published: Mon, 04/03/23

For those of us of the Judeo-Christian persuasion and lifestyle, we're in the midst of some of the most important holidays of our tradition. The folks…

Why I had to change the name of my podcast

Published: Wed, 03/29/23

View in browser You may recall me mentioning in yesterday’s email I recently changed the name of my podcast, and that I would soon e plain why. The…

What humor DOESN'T mean

Published: Tue, 03/28/23

The best advice I've ever received in the realm of content creation is that we have to be entertaining. If you're not entertaining, then you're…

Reason #4326 to not rely on "The Man"

Published: Fri, 03/24/23

I think in the last 60 days or so I've seen at least 3-4 posts on LinkedIn from people who've just been laid off their jobs. Now I'm not a huge fan of…

"Start a podcast," they said.

Published: Tue, 03/21/23

"Start a podcast," they said. "It will be fun!" they said. "You'll make lots of money!" they said. Yes, there is lots of money to be made in the…

What to do when you feel stoppable

Published: Wed, 03/15/23

A common catchphrase we often hear in pop culture is "Unstoppable!" It denotes a "zone of genius," a frame of mind or body where you can do no wrong,…

Easy money

Published: Fri, 03/03/23

Sharing the information I'm about to share runs the risk of some of my podcast editing clients becoming somewhat disillusioned with the service I…

The two essential elements of a podcast

Published: Wed, 03/01/23

Whenever I tell someone I produce podcasts for a living, a lot of questions invariably arise. And for good reason because it's still kind of an…

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